2018 Rings in New Trends in Packaging Design

At the end of 2017, Packaging Digest shared their predictions for 2018’s biggest design trends in the packaging industry. Packaging Digest predicts saying “ba-bye” to “overly masculine packaging graphics, tiny type and boring colors” and asserts that small consumer packaged goods companies (“small” is defined as those with annual sales of less than $1 billion) [...]

At the end of 2017, Packaging Digest shared their predictions for 2018’s biggest design trends in the packaging industry. Packaging Digest predicts saying “ba-bye” to “overly masculine packaging graphics, tiny type and boring colors” and asserts that small consumer packaged goods companies (“small” is defined as those with annual sales of less than $1 billion) will have an opportunity to compete with industry giants. Packaging design is unquestionably one of the most dynamic, shifting, engaging, and generally “fun” aspects of...
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