Error Code: E3

Seal Temperature Too High

Error Code: E3


How to fix this error:

Press STOP/RESET. Wait for a RDY display. Operate the machine normally. If the problem persists, the machine will need to be returned to FPI for service.


There are 3 error codes associated with the MINI PAK'R heater, E3, E4, E5 in all three cases the error code may be caused by the RFID tag in the film – always try a different roll of film first when troubleshooting, and AC power problems – the machine should be the only thing plugged into the wall, and should not be on an extension cord – if you are experiencing any of these errors move the machine next to the wall socket and plug in and see if that solves your issue – if it does not you will need to call 1-888-646-4757 and one of our MINI PAK'R trained technical support specialist will help you fix the machine or arrange to have the machine returned to our repair facility for repair.