Save Space and Shrink Your Footprint

Whether you’re a large chain company or a small business just starting up, we can all benefit from a better use of space. While packaging materials are necessary, they certainly take up a lot of room in the warehouse, the garage, or really wherever you might have set up shop. But you can’t just get rid of all your packaging if you hope to ship your products from sea to shining sea and beyond. So what are you left to do? 


With the MINI PAK’R packaging system, you don’t need to worry about bulky bags of packing peanuts or storing pre-filled bubble wrap. One roll of our double cushion film equates to about seven 14-cubic-foot bags of packing peanuts; one roll of medium quilt film takes up the same space as one and a half rolls of conventional 48″ x 250′ bubble wrap. Combined with the MINI PAK’R’s small profile and either tabletop or wall-mounted options, when we say “save space,” we certainly mean it.