Moove Over, Plastic: Milk-Based Packaging is on its Way

As the old saying goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. So too do we find that to be the case with plastic, a revolutionary material that’s shaped industries the world over as well as asserting itself as the standard of food packaging. Of course, this all comes at the cost of [...]

As the old saying goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. So too do we find that to be the case with plastic, a revolutionary material that’s shaped industries the world over as well as asserting itself as the standard of food packaging. Of course, this all comes at the cost of our overburdened landfills, oceans, and the overall health of our environment. Desperate to find an answer to our plastics problem, some researchers are turning to...
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Is Microfibrillated Cellulose The Future of Barrier ...

Plastic has been the front-runner in food packaging for decades now. With its hardiness, malleability, and inherent air and moisture resistance, it's been a natural (artificial) choice as a food-safe material. Though it might keep your favorite snacks protected from bacteria or and excess air causing them to go stale, however, our extensive obsession [...]

Plastic has been the front-runner in food packaging for decades now. With its hardiness, malleability, and inherent air and moisture resistance, it’s been a natural (artificial) choice as a food-safe material. Though it might keep your favorite snacks protected from bacteria or and excess air causing them to go stale, however, our extensive obsession with the stuff is wreaking havoc on our environment. But is there anything as good as this fossil-fueled barrier juggernaut? If it’s the Earth we wish...
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This New Photocell Turns CO2 into Fuel, Thinks It’s ...

Finally, it looks like we might be able to tap into the process that our leafy cohabitants have been mastering for thousands (if not millions) of years. A research team at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has come up with a new photocell that harnesses the power of artificial photosynthesis, taking carbon dioxide and [...]

Finally, it looks like we might be able to tap into the process that our leafy cohabitants have been mastering for thousands (if not millions) of years. A research team at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has come up with a new photocell that harnesses the power of artificial photosynthesis, taking carbon dioxide and sunlight and turning it into usable fuel. Before beginning to even describe this eco-friendly sorcery, let’s touch base on the not-so-eco-friendly problem that’s prompted the...
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RePlast and the Art of Turning Waste into Building M...

When you think of plastic bricks, fond memories of playing with Legos might come to mind. But for New Zealander inventor and engineer Peter Lewis and ByFusion, shaping plastic into blocks is more than child's play. As more people and businesses become aware of the dangers of climate change, recycling, sustainability, and green technology has [...]

When you think of plastic bricks, fond memories of playing with Legos might come to mind. But for New Zealander inventor and engineer Peter Lewis and ByFusion, shaping plastic into blocks is more than child’s play. As more people and businesses become aware of the dangers of climate change, recycling, sustainability, and green technology has never been more in-demand. Outside of incinerating our trash or trying to find clever ways to bury and hide it, finding ways to reduce and...
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CarbFix: How an Icelandic Power Plant Traps CO2 in Rock

Here at FP International, we take an active interest in sustainability and protecting the environment. While we do what we can to minimize waste with eco-friendly void fill materials, landfills are only one contributor to a major issue: global warming. Where we trap air in layers of biodegradable* plastic, a power plant in [...]

  Here at FP International, we take an active interest in sustainability and protecting the environment. While we do what we can to minimize waste with eco-friendly void fill materials, landfills are only one contributor to a major issue: global warming. Where we trap air in layers of biodegradable* plastic, a power plant in Iceland is upping the ante trapping greenhouse gases into rock. But before we elaborate on that sorcery, let’s first take a look at the problem. CO2 emissions associated...
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Spinning Webs: People, Logistics, and the Internet o...

With how the election year in the U.S. is going--all the doom and gloom on the news, social media, and the Internet--it's hard to not feel isolated. Current events aside, these feelings of loneliness and a lack of empathy from others have plagued humanity for as long as we've been around. But in that loneliness [...]

With how the election year in the U.S. is going–all the doom and gloom on the news, social media, and the Internet–it’s hard to not feel isolated. Current events aside, these feelings of loneliness and a lack of empathy from others have plagued humanity for as long as we’ve been around. But in that loneliness comes an intrinsic need to feel and be connected with others that expresses itself in countless ways. Despite their sometimes-negative impact, things like the Internet and...
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From War to Work: Civilian Drones in the United States

There’s been a lot of buzz about drones lately, especially in the past couple of years. Every day it gets harder to avoid them, whether they're trending on the Internet or zooming by your window; everybody and their grandmother seems to be getting their own pet drone nowadays. But this rapidly growing market has prompted widespread discussion, namely [...]


There’s been a lot of buzz about drones lately, especially in the past couple of years. Every day it gets harder to avoid them, whether they’re trending on the Internet or zooming by your window; everybody and their grandmother seems to be getting their own pet drone nowadays. But this rapidly growing market has prompted widespread discussion, namely surrounding ethics, legality, and the scope of their use. After all, drones weren’t always about fun and games. Yes, much like microwaves, GPS, penicillin, passenger/commercial...
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From Amphorae to Agar: On the Innovation of Packaging

Living in this advanced age of technology and convenience, it’s hard to imagine life without some of its modern comforts. To think there was once a time without the Internet or smartphones, automatic transmission, or on-demand television streaming; there wasn’t always regular mail delivery, refrigeration, indoor plumbing, passenger airplanes, or unlimited data plans. But since humanity’s humble [...]


Living in this advanced age of technology and convenience, it’s hard to imagine life without some of its modern comforts. To think there was once a time without the Internet or smartphones, automatic transmission, or on-demand television streaming; there wasn’t always regular mail delivery, refrigeration, indoor plumbing, passenger airplanes, or unlimited data plans. But since humanity’s humble beginnings, few technologies have stood the test of time, reimagined and repurposed with each generation. Indeed, I’m talking about packaging. When you hear the word packaging,...
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How High Pressure Processing is Innovating Food Pack...

Air pressure: an invisible force that plays a subtle yet significant role in our everyday lives. Some easy examples are the pressure in your car’s tires or storm system ruining your weekend plans. Heck, our own bodies are balanced against the ambient air pressure so we don’t just explode or collapse in on ourselves. Just think of how [...]

Air pressure: an invisible force that plays a subtle yet significant role in our everyday lives. Some easy examples are the pressure in your car’s tires or storm system ruining your weekend plans. Heck, our own bodies are balanced against the ambient air pressure so we don’t just explode or collapse in on ourselves. Just think of how spider crabs feel when they’re pulled out of the water. One application of pressure people don’t often think about, however, is its role in food...
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Rise of the Machines: The Revolution of Drone Delive...

With all the crazy technology out there, it seems as if we’re living in a time of science fiction. From hoverboards to smartphones that allow us to carry a world’s wealth of knowledge in our pockets, there’s no shortage of imagination and innovation in the realm of technology. But if there’s one machine you should [...]

With all the crazy technology out there, it seems as if we’re living in a time of science fiction. From hoverboards to smartphones that allow us to carry a world’s wealth of knowledge in our pockets, there’s no shortage of imagination and innovation in the realm of technology. But if there’s one machine you should get familiar with, it’d be none other than those four-armed flying things in the sky: that’s right, I’m talking about drones. Also referred to as...
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